Thursday, September 17, 2015

Famous Last Words (a.k.a. Maria's nonsense)

So, it's been a long and difficult week. Actually, a difficult month really. I've spent a lot of time in the hospital and at at doctor's offices when I should've had my nose in the books. I'm behind in this course and there are quite a few assignments I just haven't been able to do. I'm really hoping to catch up, maybe even get a head. I want to do well in this course, I really like it and Laura is a wonderful instructor. I'm still not confident in my writing, so that makes things hard, too. But, I want to keep trying and hopefully that will give me more confidence and help me grow as a writer. 

So here are some of my goals: 
- get healthy a.s.a.p. (fingers crossed)
- catch up in all of my classes, especially this one
- learn to like blogging (we'll see)
- learn to multitask and juggle my responsibilities better
- GRADUATE NEXT YEAR (-knocks on wood-)

I probably have some other goals I'm forgetting at the moment, maybe I'll come back and write them in. 

I really hope the story I finish today will be fairly good. I could use a win today. I really liked the tale I based it on so that really helped in writing process. I think from now on I'll have to be more careful selecting my readings so my story writing will be a little easier. I can't wait until we get to my study subjects! I bet then it'll be much easier. Anywho, I'll keep trucking along until then.

- Maria 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you've had health issues. I hope you're feeling much better! I believe that you can reach your goals. I have a rough time blogging to, so learning to like blogging is a goal we have in common. I skimmed some of your writings and I think they are really good. You should be confident. I've learned it really helps in academics. Hope your semester is going well!
