Monday, November 16, 2015

Reading Diary A: Russian Folk Tales (Week 13)

The Dead Mother

Well, that was super creepy. To think about it I don't think I've ever written a 'scary' or even 'creepy' story before. I tend to shy away from those things in most areas of my life as I'm pretty skittish and easily startled and still afraid of the dark, I have a nightlight let's be honest). This story as so short but I went through a lot of emotions with it. In the beginning your happy (oh, perfect happy couple yay!) and then she dies in child birth and everything gets sad. Then something is going on and you kind of assume the mother is coming in to take care of her baby like some sort of angel or something so again happy yay! Except then she's not and the baby is dead too and just...yeah.

The Treasure

So...that was another rollercoaster. At least this one had a...satisfying ending? Not necessarily happy but it ends with a sense of everyone getting what they deserve. Kind of creepy again what with the guys deciding to wear goatskin and play the devil only to become trapped as such. Just...a creepy mental image really. 

The Bad Wife

That was actually a pretty fun story. How he tricked his wife and even managed to trick the imp was pretty entertaining. I was sure that the peasant would have an unhappy ending and that the imp would eat him or something but he managed to trick him and I was pleasantly surprised. I really didn't see that coming. I like a story that isn't so predictable.

Friday & Wednesday

So without context these stories don't seem to make much sense to me...further investigation is required. 

In the meantime, here is a random picture of a 'Bad Wife' nagging and yelling at her poor husband.

(credit in photo link)

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