Friday, September 18, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: The Girl with The Wooden Helmet (Japan)

(credit in photo link)

I really loved this story. I think I'll include it in my Storybook/Portfolio. This is the kind of story that I'm looking for to add to my project. For ancient tale, surprisingly there is not one but two strong female leads! While I really love that part of the story, what I love even more is all of the history and rich culture you can find and learn from the story. For example, you get a peek at how wedding were carried out, learned that beauty was not always gift but sometimes a burden in a world where women had little to no rights, and that just as in old Western culture, marrying beneath your class level was a disgrace and disappointment. 

I really liked this story and really hope to find more like it for my project. Especially the wonderful images in it. I want to have lots of beautiful images from my stories to add more...essence(?) to them. 

(credit in photo link)

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